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Mid-End game fine tuning

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Alright... I posted this in a different thread, but I think there's a ton of efficient manipulations covered in the information below.





+Ghost castle needs repurposed: 

1) We've been playing this game for 10+ years wearing g11s in ghost castle. Make this the new level 200 main farm for rh/bt and or trans gems. (Maybe a ghost Gertrude npc or... Any npc for that matter... Ghost Jakar, Ghost Sejunt... Can be added to drop trans gems)

2) This way we can retain the g11/eonic set builds at 200. Just like our game used to be. Locking this build at 200 just like nado hosts the 160 g11 / g10 jewlery builds.

3)i would think eonics would need a lower requirement... Say, 180.




+Fame really should be called honor...

1)I say this not for nostalgic reasons but it really matches the actual concept of pking in non-contested zones. Fame seems... Quite the opposite.

2) in reference to #1, this goes along the lines of saying... If someone takes an island you can come farm it anyways for 1 gem instead of 2/3/4/5 and you Rob the owner of a % of fame for not defending the monsters.

3) in reference to #2, killing your own guardian should also affect your honor.

4)this could introduce a type of tribe based "honor". Much like other games giving boosts for different levels, it would be something along the lines of joining the no honor tribe for an ap boost, or joining the famous tribes for drop boosts and defense boosts. Again... There should be changes to the colors.


Regardless of the gameplay, the fame attributes need a reworking.

Again, I'd introduce a tribe based fame system much like the agetb had the tribe war system.

Rather than pking random people in east lad your tribe leader would choose to go to war with their tribe. 

In war, your fame would be unaffected, and you could now gain pkp in places like east lad, tiaz, wasteland... 

If you were declared war upon, your tribe could gain good fame for each pkp. If you declared war, your tribe would claim evil fame for each pkp. This would influence the evil fame tribes to have a need to be first to declare war on each other when the last war ends. Fighting for the most evil fame... While the other loses evil fame. There would be a cap on both sides, not like pkp but more like our current fame system.

If someone is tribeless, there should be a limited immunity. Like... A countdown to 1v1 or something. So they can prepare or retreat to safety.


This way, players pking in non pvp zones would still lose honor, but beginning a "civilized" global war state / 1v1 duel would give the opportunity to gain fame for their tribe.





+V2 and V3 used to be pk enabled

1) Given that we have nations, i don't see any reason not to make nation based pvp in more areas...

2) regardless of fame settings (which should be active in V2) we should make any level 201+ players go into nation state in V2. This way, they can fight each other without killing any 200-. Also encouraging 200- to go 200+ to kill someone who made them mad.

3)I don't think V3 should be a turn based resource like FL is, but more of a HAU type situation with a randomly spawned boss monster everyone wants to kill... Maybe its the wantanka of V3 and has 0.00000001% chance of dropping a delphiroth gem.





+What about end game islands? Without GC max level becomes lame like duan used to be.

1) I'm not sure if there's an intended purpose for catastrophia island, but I'm sure the game masters could come up with something creative. Any other unused island for that matter.





+And frozenland?

1)As I've said before the classic world instance was great! Sure, it was hard to level... But we have FL instances AND  east lad AND V3 now.

2)i propose making FL instances nationless. If you choose a nation you cannot enter the instances.

3)The world instance would be the prize everyone competes for. This world instance would be in 1 server and run off the fl war rules currently in play. Boosted exp from 265-300 and Boosted drop rates. LETS FIGHT FOR THE DESAUS!!!



Edited by IKuPAI

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Sorry for the long read everyone... One day I'll just be like...


"This game is perfect"

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But but... nostalgia?


Jokes aside there are some decent ideas like GC(obviously) and some ridiculous like this one:

13 hours ago, IKuPAI said:

2)i propose making FL instances nationless. If you choose a nation you cannot enter the instances.

So I join the nation in order to fight for Ladi War and/or Hau(for whatever reasons) and then I can't enter FL? FL which was the very purpose of bringing the nations in play to begin with?

What those 3 zones need is an overhaul, not a complete rework that would take a lot of time to be done.


All of them are extremely unefficent for the effort and resources that you have to spend in order to win. Now the effort shouldn't change because it should be hard. The resources that you have to spend on them can't change because it would require lowering TC prices for pots/buffs which will never happen. What is left? Rewards. Increase in exp is a simple fix but would it be enough? Not realy, not for a long time. Right now we've got a fixed chance to drop stuff from FL. What I would like to see is a 100% very high chance for a drop but ONLY if you've got a full party(this would prevent solo boss killing and encourage party leaders to not block other players from lvling). The chance could rapidly increase with, say,  each 5 members in party.


For this to work(or for whatever change you want to do) we would have to change drops from bosses(omg nostalgia) because who the hell wants a 1% chance to drop a g11 weapon on lvl 200+?


Also I don't know if it's possible but everyone in the party should have equal chances for drop. Not only the last hitting guy.





Again jokes aside. New Grades of gear should come with new gems to upgrade them. So you can farm your G12 mats safely but in order to upagrade them you have to move your ass to a new Island/Turf or buy those gems from players that chose to do so.



Some first thought easy fixes to our problems. No need to overcomplicate things. Remember we have only 1(?) person that works on this game.

Edited by _SoKoL_

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The point of nationless instances was so everyone can level up without having to war.


The flip side is if you join a nation and fight, Your nation can claim a higher exp/drop rate version.


This way the victors have something worth winning forzenland for.

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