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Civil War Buff??????

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Now ive seen this community come and go tons of times and ive taken castle lost castle etc but i can honestly say every time new content is released castle kind of looses value. Yes dont get me wrong the exp buff pet and drop buffs are very nice especially cause they stack but its not like super super needed. Im suggesting maybe some new perks or benefits for civil make civil war actually active and more appealing so its not boring content heres a few ideas


Discounted turf shop prices

Discounted Prices from npc

Make the civil buffs cost maybe 5m each but not go out when you log out/Disconnect/Die

Fixing the crit errors inside civil wars

Being able to see the hp of altar and monarch

Maybe Open up some kind of island to the lords of castle that has mobs to farm rh bts g12 mats etc (Only available for a hour after civil war has been won / Defended) 




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