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Hi all any of you know wich food i need to make a pet drake. I have try to make one 6-7 time all comes up with a mini lykan 

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It's not just the food, it's how many times you feed the pet & the food combinations. Minilycan is a pretty straight forward recipe and usually the default when combinations aren't met.

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As far as I've learned, if you feed a pet for less than 49% of it's life time it turns into a red coro.


Meaning if you booth for more than 50% of it's life

Or subscription starve it

Or pet hotel it...

It will become a red coromon.


In the same fashion, eggs turn into puppies after approximately 5? Hours... But given the time between feeding; it spends more than 50% of it's life not hungry and this is why we see 90% brown puppies. 




-This isn't a guide, so it's likely not accurate in representing the actual figures. Just showing you my observations.

Edited by IKuPAI

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