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Dragon Egg Drops

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While farming dragon eggs for scales I found a couple interesting drops.  They drop Etic Earrings, the white pearl ones, which is good but they are bugged.  You can't add a stat to them.  The gem just disappears and nothing happens.  No message, not stat, just gem gone.

The Fisherman Ghost also drop return scrolls.  Not long range return but regular return scrolls that you can't get from Yuba.  They don't do anything when you try to use them and are not a huge deal as I could just drop or Yuba them but I thought it would be cool if they could be used in East Lad to return to Vylock.  East lad can be really annoying.  I often just exit the game rather than run all the way to a portal or back to Vylock.  Thought it would be an interesting twist to have a farmed only resource like that be usable.

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Thanks, that's strange with the earrings and scroll. We'll look into it! The scroll idea does sound interesting.

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That sounds weird.  I haven't got to that level yet.  I know I've run across several other bugs.  I can't even do certain quests it keeps giving me, For example, the toxic frog quest as I worked my way up through the lower levels doesn't work at all.  I'll be posting a new post because my game doesn't run at all now.  Wish I was your level and could help out.  Good luck and best with solving your issue.

Axelis, Lp50, and RedSeas

Tribe....Northland (Mine)....Recruiting at this time....Need more and better players.

Been a player since the old days, am very active and need a lot of help learning the new version.  Old tribe was Covenant and I was Co-:Leader with my Duan Archer Axelis and Aerial was Leader.

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