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I've got some suggestions for the game that I do not only think would be nice, but what I think it needs and would make sense to add. It's a game built up around farming, and nothing is going to change that, but I think there should be more insurance for all these hours of farming. I'm talking about things like the jewelry recycler, gem shards etc. My suggestions are therefore most of all about things that I know not only frustrates me, and many of these have already been mentioned in the suggestion discord but don't seem to get any further.


As it has been mentioned a lot of times, there is so few decent earrings in the game, and there is a pretty good reason why. It's simply too time consuming to get it especially when people also need to use their hardworking instancecoins to buy Demonic essence. And when or rather if the instancecoins are collected, it takes too much time to upgrade the earrings because of the 20 minute cooldown. Let's say someone has collected 2x g10 earrings and now wants to upgrade them to the maximum limit = 400 HP. This requires 800 perfect instances which is 400 hours, and there is a chance the upgrade will fail after level 250 or something - so it's actually more. Then it requires like 150 hours to upgrade the earrings, and that's only if you upgrade both at once. I know there is  a easy way to farm these coins by running SSC instance with 14 alts, but some people can't do this, and some can't even solo the SSC. It's not that I think it should be easy, I  just don't think it should be this hard to make maximum earrings that don't even compare to a Grade 2 Desau. Now to my suggestions:

·        Remove the 20 minute cooldown or at least change it to 10 minutes. 

·        Make the aquamarime gems spawn at random places in random moments like the Karebear.

·        Make it possible to buy the aquamarime gems for purified orbs (like 25).

·        And of course keep them in the instance store.  

G12 items:

Since Season 2 we've been crafting G12 armor and weapons which mean a lot of farming, then crafting and at the end a lot of G12 trash pieces that have the wrong stats and therefore are useless. It has been mentioned before that people would like to see some kind of an NPC which purpose is to recycle some of the G12 trash items into raw or refined materials. In my opinion this sounds really messy, and I have trouble to see this work. Nevertheless, I do think it's a good idea to have a recycle NPC of some kind, so that the trash items are not just meant to be sold to Yuba. My suggestion here is to have an NPC who has the ability to make 10x the same item into one item, just like the Jewelry recycler. Of cause the stats on the item would just be 2 statted perfect (Def/DAM, PSA/PA, MSA/MA) and not 3 or 4 statted perfect (PSA/PA/CHR/ASR, Def/DAM/CHR) which would be really overpowered.

Stat gems:

Devine, magic and sorcery gems are especially used to put stats on armor, weapons and jewelry. They have the ability to successfully give a stat, fail the move or remove a stat from the item. I'm sure many people are just as frustrated as me when an important stat is being removed on a hardworking item especially if the item already has been given a lot of Delphiroth gems in an attempt to make the item perfect statted. I've got some experiences that I'd like to share in this case: I made a G12 sword 4 statted with high PSA, and after spending 600 TC on Delphrioth gems, I ended up with PSA as the only stat. Lucky for me, the sorcery gem gave me the second stat, but it could might as well have failed. I have a band with high PSA, and when I made it, it had 4 stats, but after spending 500 TC on Delphiroth gems to get ASR, I ended up with only PSA/DAM which means that I can never do anything about this band again because I wouldn't dare to lose PSA. With all this being said, I don't think the ability to remove a stat should be removed, but something has to be done. My suggestion is to make devine, magic and sorcery shards, one of each. This could work by giving the user one shard every time the gem removes a stat on an item and when the user has collected 50 or 100 shards, a supreme gem can be made. This supreme gem can fail the move or successfully give the user a stat, but it can't remove a stat. In other words, it protects the stats.

Supreme gems:

There is a problem in the game which frustrates as many as it thrills. +10 weapons and +9 armor can't be made anymore while some people were lucky enough to make them when it was possible. And I know GM's will say "Hey, they can still be made" but then I'll begin to farm Watanka in Frozenland because it feels like the chance of obtaining a +10 weapon from him is bigger than actually making one. I'm saying this because nobody has the will and time to make a +10 weapon without supreme BT's. I spent 100+ Lv. 8 swords in an attempt to make a +9 sword, and I never made it, I had to buy it. Now people are forced to spent hundreds of hours to farm, let's say 1k BT pouches, make 100 BT supreme gems, make +8 swords, spent the supremes and be lucky to make what, a maximum of 5 +9 swords? And THEN yolo them with normal BT's in an attempt to make a +10 sword. How would this be possible when it's quite impossible to make a +9 weapon with 50 +8 swords? People take ownership of Kando, Nado, and Duan with +10 weapons while others can't do anything but stand and watch. It's unfair, and it simply can't be right.  My suggestion is: Remove the cap of supreme gems on Tri server only while Season server is not going on because I'm aware that it's ruining the Seasons, and a lot of people would stay on Tri server if there wasn't a cap while Seasons are going on.

Soccer Event:

In my opinion the Soccer Event needs a new twist and I know I'm not the only one to think that. +5 and +6 armor pieces make the event worthless to spent time on while new rewards would make the event very exciting again with a lot of PVP. So my suggestions are:

·        120 - 160 rewards = +7 armor piece.

·        160 - 200 rewards = +8 weapon.

·        200+ reward = one of either supreme BT, supreme RH or supreme seph.

Civil war:

Alright, the best tribe with most active players gets to be the Lords of Ladianes, and only a few other tribes dare to try to take it but usually ends up getting their ass kicked. An example is the Castle owned by a tribe on Tri server at the moment. The tribe has had the Castle for approximately a month because no other tribe is strong enough or has the amount of players to take the fight up because everybody knows that as soon as the chat says "The Fire Altar has been killed by X from X tribe", 30 buffed up archers (and 5 blades with stun swords) will be waiting, ready to shoot the balls of everyone who comes near the altar. In my opinion it's alright to own the castle and of cause to defend it, no offence, I've been in a tribe myself that owned the castle for months. But I think it should be possible for other tribes to try to take the castle sometimes, AND I think the event should be more active. My suggestions are the following:

·        A tribe can own and defend the castle for 48 hours before they're automatically kicked out and forced to take it again.

·        A tribe can win the Civil war 2 times in a row, and after the second win (and the 48 hours reward of cause), they will be banned from the Civil war for 48 hours.

·        If no other tribe is registered for the Civil war, the tribe that owns the castle won't lose it, but as soon as another tribe will register, the 48 hours countdown will begin.

·        When or if another tribe registers for the Civil war, the owner tribe will receive a message in the tribe window so they can prepare to defend it.


As so many have mentioned, there is a pretty huge problem with the drops at different places. Too much different gear is dropped on places it's not suppose to which makes the floor messy and sometimes impossible for the user to pick up what's needed. For me it seems pretty simple to solve this problem: Make the drops right for its places. Here's some examples: V2 drops a lot of G10 and even lower armor and weapons and why that? G10 armor is not needed in V2. It's not even possible to survive at V2 in G10 armor. Let it drop in V1 and Rampao dungeon, that's where it's needed. V3 drops G11 blessings and G10 jewelry and why is that? If people want to farm G10 jewelry they'll go to Black zone, if people want to farm G11 blessing they'll go to V2. We don't have a big enough inventory to farm for both raw materials, G10 jewelry, G11 Jewelry and G11 blessings anyway. I think it can be done very simple:

·        Color zones = Jewelry G1-10 (Grade matches to color).

·        Rampao dungeon = G10 armor and weapons.

·        V1 = G10 and G11 armor and weapons mix.

·        V2 = G11 Blessing.

·        V3 = G11 Jewelry.

·        G1 - G10 armor and weapons can also be dropped at the levelplaces they match the user.

·        Materials drop fine where they do.

A suggestion about raw materials could also be to add an NPC at each dungeon/cave entrance to say: Hello, my name is Blabla, which materials would you like to collect directly into your inventory in this dungeon? And then be giving a list of each materials that can be collected in the dungeon to check off.

But I guess that would require a lot of work. :)

Trans gems:

There is still a lot of requests about getting trans gems in the game and I got a few suggestions to this:

·        Open the river that goes through east Ladianes and add trans gem boxes

·        Add trans gems to the island chests (the chests given when killing Yeshi). This would also make Laziel Tower something again.

·        Give one of each trans gems in the boxes we gain from killing monsters on Hau island instead of one single gem (One gem is nothing, and they're not so rare that only one single should be given (besides, the only way to use trans gems is to use one of each so it really makes no sense not to give us one of each)).

Delphiroth gems:

More and more in this game requires perfect stats and the Delphiroth gems are being bought more than they ever have been, and they're simply too expensive. In other words Turf Battles is becoming a money machine, and that's not what this game should be. As I see it there are two ways to solve this problem:

·        Make the Delphiroth gems obtainable in the game, either by rare drops, rewards, in the instance shop, in the purified orb shop or anything.

·        Lower the price of the Delphiroth gems to 10 or 15 TC.

This is one of the things that'll ruin the game totally by time.



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So many topics. .. I'm in favor of ur:

Delph gems

Sup gems

Trans gems

Soccer event

Lad civil waR



I'm undecided on:

Stat gems is suggesting divine shards=divine choice gem?

G12 recycle... Yes, but 10x is tough to sacrifice for 1 item... Thats 10% materials. Something like 40-60% return would be nice to see. Refined imo.


I don't like:

Your segregation of drops. If we look into changing those i think rampao floor 1 and 2 boss rooms should be unlocked and we can follow that pattern.

Helmets in boss f1

Boots in f2

Vambs in f2 boss

Chest in v1

Sheild/prot in v2

Maybe since it's eonic everything could be seen in v2/3



All things being said, this is a great composition of QOL player requests. Well put.

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I'm all in favor of making G11's drop in Rampao more frequently from regular mobs and the entrance bosses, not just in boss rooms since some higher geared player can just snipe the bosses. As it stands, other than the new area Rampao has absolutely no reason to stay there for a prolonged period of time.

The higher end G10's should also drop mostly in Rampao and V1, you can start getting more G11's from V2 ( since its the most needed gear level before G12 ).

I would also like to add the ability to buy regular seph gem pouches in exchange for medals in Vylock. As it stands, there is no reasonable way to farm stat gems outside of Islands   

( which is shit if your tribe is unable to contest the islands or you start too late)

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27 minutes ago, IKuPAI said:

Stat gems is suggesting divine shards=divine choice gem?

Devine shards, magic shards, corsery shards.. And no, not a devine supreme gem that makes you choose what stat you want. What I mean is a gem that don't have the ability to remove a that. Its frustrating if a devine or sorcery gem removes psa9 after you spent months to make that AND delph gems to try to make it perfect stattet.

32 minutes ago, IKuPAI said:

G12 recycle... Yes, but 10x is tough to sacrifice for 1 item... Thats 10% materials. Something like 40-60% return would be nice to see. Refined imo.

Of cause it would be nice to get more back, but atm we dosn't get anything back lol. 

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3 hours ago, Dirge07 said:

As it stands, there is no reasonable way to farm stat gems outside of Islands   

( which is shit if your tribe is unable to contest the islands or you start too late)

Pop a drop scroll and go exp from 160-200 in east ladianes ^-^


Also, check out the water summons platform in the middle of swamp...


It's speculated that islands are no longer the best way to farm seph gems.

Edited by IKuPAI

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10 hours ago, IKuPAI said:

Pop a drop scroll and go exp from 160-200 in east ladianes ^-^


Also, check out the water summons platform in the middle of swamp...


It's speculated that islands are no longer the best way to farm seph gems.

Speculated yes, but the thing is you also need the gems for skill books 1-5 until you manage to buy the skill books with courage medals. Fists and Blades are notorious for having absolutely no aoe farm potential before blast fist and blast blade and even then you have to actually max the skill first to get the most out of the farming potential.

Sure i can buy the gems off a booth, but the gems i need atm aren't always there. I know there is a daily quest that awards you seph choice gems, but you could also make a quest repeatable that awards you 5 divine/magic/seph gems of choice before you reach east lad ( maybe wasteland quest, since its what people usually do to get to 100 and after 100 the first thing they attempt are master skills). Also middle of the swamp is plagued with the issue that by the time you can actually survive a prolonged farming session there, odds are you don't need seph gems anymore or you can already farm them from east lad due to you being able to aoe farm the 160-200 area like you said. 

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I used the wrong word... It has been confirmed that islands are no longer the best way to farm seph gems.

99% of turf battles guides advise making a red mage as ur first character so you dont have to get masters to see ur first aoe.

Furthermore.... One will ALWAYS need seph gems.




And PLEASE, can we get off of welphs suggestions page? You can make this topic yourself in the general forum section.

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Been compiling this list for a while I see.  You could add them as suggestions as you come across them rather than all in one big topic.  Easier to comment on individually.

But here is my two cents anyways...

Earrings:  Yes these are pretty much useless unless you dedicate a lot of resources to farming instances with an army of alts in tow,  if you can solo it.  I have no solution.  I just don't bother with them.

G12 items: I would like to see a recycler to gain some of my resources back.  I am not sure I have ever been able to craft 10 of an item to make an exchange useful.

Stat gems: Yes it would be nice to get these off island somewhere.  Sure from 160-200 you can go east lad or swamp but what do you do at level 70 or 90.  Yes, most people blow right past these levels without considering gear, but still... It is so hard to find a tribe at this low level so Iah is tough. You may be lucky enough to find one with good stats but then you are stuck trying to level it with juniors.  Kiss that goodbye.  Gems really need to drop in the wild, in moderation or open up Iah to be tribeless pvp training. As for removing stats, shards would be interesting.  Maybe just leave it at 500 like everything else but you get a shard whenever a gem fails.  Not just when removes.

Supreme gems:  I agree with a previous post that supremes should not have limits.  The rates are low enough it would take a ridiculous amounts of shard and supremes to hit 10 unless you are super lucky.  Hey, if you wanna farm shards until you are blue in the face then more power to you. You should have that option of going for 10 with em.

Soccer Event:  The reward is only of value to players just starting out with crappy gear.  Do you really think those are the ones that are winning this event?  No.  It is the already highly geared player that does not need it.  Could be the crappy reward is to discourage the already overpowered from participating as they don't need it.  I am not sure what the reward should be for players who are already the strongest.

Civil war:  Good suggestions.  This is an issue with low population that lead to many of the strongest players in a single tribe.  I think the changes to tribes was supposed help mitigate some of that and drum up more competition. Not sure if it will work. Your suggestions are good but I think the tribe should still be able to defend.  Maybe have the alters weaken over time like Frozenland bosses used to.  One hit altars.

Drops:  Ah, sifting through the crap.  Always an issue but really just part of the game.  I think that should stay.  I do agree the drops per area should be looked at.  I always feel I only get the right drops after I have levelled and no longer need them. The good G10 drop in Rampoa and east lad. G11 do drop rampoa second floor but they are just too rare. They used to drop from rampoa boss rooms and the bosses in the second floor.  

Trans gems:  Those things are a pain.  I have an almost 280 blade that still does not have full 10 trans skills.  Good thing ionic weapons are so useless or you would never get any.  Definitely the Hau boxes should have a chance to give more than one.  Having them drop in instances might add incentive to do them.  The new 240-280 instance maybe.

Delphiroth gems: These have definitely become more important with the introduction of G12 and yes, they are way too expensive for regular use.   I have only used them a couple times and have regretted it each time when I got the same or another useless stat.  I think the price could be lower or if the price remains so high then the money I spent to remove a stat from an item should remove it permanently .  That stat should no longer be an option for that item and cannot be added back.  At least then you would have the assurance that the money you spend is working toward a goal and not going to lead to an endless cycle of adding leni drop rate back again and again.

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On 4/25/2018 at 11:16 AM, Welph said:

I've got some suggestions for the game that I do not only think would be nice, but what I think it needs and would make sense to add. It's a game built up around farming, and nothing is going to change that, but I think there should be more insurance for all these hours of farming. I'm talking about things like the jewelry recycler, gem shards etc. My suggestions are therefore most of all about things that I know not only frustrates me, and many of these have already been mentioned in the suggestion discord but don't seem to get any further.


As it has been mentioned a lot of times, there is so few decent earrings in the game, and there is a pretty good reason why. It's simply too time consuming to get it especially when people also need to use their hardworking instancecoins to buy Demonic essence. And when or rather if the instancecoins are collected, it takes too much time to upgrade the earrings because of the 20 minute cooldown. Let's say someone has collected 2x g10 earrings and now wants to upgrade them to the maximum limit = 400 HP. This requires 800 perfect instances which is 400 hours, and there is a chance the upgrade will fail after level 250 or something - so it's actually more. Then it requires like 150 hours to upgrade the earrings, and that's only if you upgrade both at once. I know there is  a easy way to farm these coins by running SSC instance with 14 alts, but some people can't do this, and some can't even solo the SSC. It's not that I think it should be easy, I  just don't think it should be this hard to make maximum earrings that don't even compare to a Grade 2 Desau. Now to my suggestions:

·        Remove the 20 minute cooldown or at least change it to 10 minutes. 

·        Make the aquamarime gems spawn at random places in random moments like the Karebear.

·        Make it possible to buy the aquamarime gems for purified orbs (like 25).

·        And of course keep them in the instance store.  

G12 items:

Since Season 2 we've been crafting G12 armor and weapons which mean a lot of farming, then crafting and at the end a lot of G12 trash pieces that have the wrong stats and therefore are useless. It has been mentioned before that people would like to see some kind of an NPC which purpose is to recycle some of the G12 trash items into raw or refined materials. In my opinion this sounds really messy, and I have trouble to see this work. Nevertheless, I do think it's a good idea to have a recycle NPC of some kind, so that the trash items are not just meant to be sold to Yuba. My suggestion here is to have an NPC who has the ability to make 10x the same item into one item, just like the Jewelry recycler. Of cause the stats on the item would just be 2 statted perfect (Def/DAM, PSA/PA, MSA/MA) and not 3 or 4 statted perfect (PSA/PA/CHR/ASR, Def/DAM/CHR) which would be really overpowered.

Stat gems:

Devine, magic and sorcery gems are especially used to put stats on armor, weapons and jewelry. They have the ability to successfully give a stat, fail the move or remove a stat from the item. I'm sure many people are just as frustrated as me when an important stat is being removed on a hardworking item especially if the item already has been given a lot of Delphiroth gems in an attempt to make the item perfect statted. I've got some experiences that I'd like to share in this case: I made a G12 sword 4 statted with high PSA, and after spending 600 TC on Delphrioth gems, I ended up with PSA as the only stat. Lucky for me, the sorcery gem gave me the second stat, but it could might as well have failed. I have a band with high PSA, and when I made it, it had 4 stats, but after spending 500 TC on Delphiroth gems to get ASR, I ended up with only PSA/DAM which means that I can never do anything about this band again because I wouldn't dare to lose PSA. With all this being said, I don't think the ability to remove a stat should be removed, but something has to be done. My suggestion is to make devine, magic and sorcery shards, one of each. This could work by giving the user one shard every time the gem removes a stat on an item and when the user has collected 50 or 100 shards, a supreme gem can be made. This supreme gem can fail the move or successfully give the user a stat, but it can't remove a stat. In other words, it protects the stats.

Supreme gems:

There is a problem in the game which frustrates as many as it thrills. +10 weapons and +9 armor can't be made anymore while some people were lucky enough to make them when it was possible. And I know GM's will say "Hey, they can still be made" but then I'll begin to farm Watanka in Frozenland because it feels like the chance of obtaining a +10 weapon from him is bigger than actually making one. I'm saying this because nobody has the will and time to make a +10 weapon without supreme BT's. I spent 100+ Lv. 8 swords in an attempt to make a +9 sword, and I never made it, I had to buy it. Now people are forced to spent hundreds of hours to farm, let's say 1k BT pouches, make 100 BT supreme gems, make +8 swords, spent the supremes and be lucky to make what, a maximum of 5 +9 swords? And THEN yolo them with normal BT's in an attempt to make a +10 sword. How would this be possible when it's quite impossible to make a +9 weapon with 50 +8 swords? People take ownership of Kando, Nado, and Duan with +10 weapons while others can't do anything but stand and watch. It's unfair, and it simply can't be right.  My suggestion is: Remove the cap of supreme gems on Tri server only while Season server is not going on because I'm aware that it's ruining the Seasons, and a lot of people would stay on Tri server if there wasn't a cap while Seasons are going on.

Soccer Event:

In my opinion the Soccer Event needs a new twist and I know I'm not the only one to think that. +5 and +6 armor pieces make the event worthless to spent time on while new rewards would make the event very exciting again with a lot of PVP. So my suggestions are:

·        120 - 160 rewards = +7 armor piece.

·        160 - 200 rewards = +8 weapon.

·        200+ reward = one of either supreme BT, supreme RH or supreme seph.

Civil war:

Alright, the best tribe with most active players gets to be the Lords of Ladianes, and only a few other tribes dare to try to take it but usually ends up getting their ass kicked. An example is the Castle owned by a tribe on Tri server at the moment. The tribe has had the Castle for approximately a month because no other tribe is strong enough or has the amount of players to take the fight up because everybody knows that as soon as the chat says "The Fire Altar has been killed by X from X tribe", 30 buffed up archers (and 5 blades with stun swords) will be waiting, ready to shoot the balls of everyone who comes near the altar. In my opinion it's alright to own the castle and of cause to defend it, no offence, I've been in a tribe myself that owned the castle for months. But I think it should be possible for other tribes to try to take the castle sometimes, AND I think the event should be more active. My suggestions are the following:

·        A tribe can own and defend the castle for 48 hours before they're automatically kicked out and forced to take it again.

·        A tribe can win the Civil war 2 times in a row, and after the second win (and the 48 hours reward of cause), they will be banned from the Civil war for 48 hours.

·        If no other tribe is registered for the Civil war, the tribe that owns the castle won't lose it, but as soon as another tribe will register, the 48 hours countdown will begin.

·        When or if another tribe registers for the Civil war, the owner tribe will receive a message in the tribe window so they can prepare to defend it.


As so many have mentioned, there is a pretty huge problem with the drops at different places. Too much different gear is dropped on places it's not suppose to which makes the floor messy and sometimes impossible for the user to pick up what's needed. For me it seems pretty simple to solve this problem: Make the drops right for its places. Here's some examples: V2 drops a lot of G10 and even lower armor and weapons and why that? G10 armor is not needed in V2. It's not even possible to survive at V2 in G10 armor. Let it drop in V1 and Rampao dungeon, that's where it's needed. V3 drops G11 blessings and G10 jewelry and why is that? If people want to farm G10 jewelry they'll go to Black zone, if people want to farm G11 blessing they'll go to V2. We don't have a big enough inventory to farm for both raw materials, G10 jewelry, G11 Jewelry and G11 blessings anyway. I think it can be done very simple:

·        Color zones = Jewelry G1-10 (Grade matches to color).

·        Rampao dungeon = G10 armor and weapons.

·        V1 = G10 and G11 armor and weapons mix.

·        V2 = G11 Blessing.

·        V3 = G11 Jewelry.

·        G1 - G10 armor and weapons can also be dropped at the levelplaces they match the user.

·        Materials drop fine where they do.

A suggestion about raw materials could also be to add an NPC at each dungeon/cave entrance to say: Hello, my name is Blabla, which materials would you like to collect directly into your inventory in this dungeon? And then be giving a list of each materials that can be collected in the dungeon to check off.

But I guess that would require a lot of work. :)

Trans gems:

There is still a lot of requests about getting trans gems in the game and I got a few suggestions to this:

·        Open the river that goes through east Ladianes and add trans gem boxes

·        Add trans gems to the island chests (the chests given when killing Yeshi). This would also make Laziel Tower something again.

·        Give one of each trans gems in the boxes we gain from killing monsters on Hau island instead of one single gem (One gem is nothing, and they're not so rare that only one single should be given (besides, the only way to use trans gems is to use one of each so it really makes no sense not to give us one of each)).

Delphiroth gems:

More and more in this game requires perfect stats and the Delphiroth gems are being bought more than they ever have been, and they're simply too expensive. In other words Turf Battles is becoming a money machine, and that's not what this game should be. As I see it there are two ways to solve this problem:

·        Make the Delphiroth gems obtainable in the game, either by rare drops, rewards, in the instance shop, in the purified orb shop or anything.

·        Lower the price of the Delphiroth gems to 10 or 15 TC.

This is one of the things that'll ruin the game totally by time.




Earrings aren’t meant to be levelled up quickly. They are meant to be something to strive for when you have completed the rest of your set, or while you complete that set. They are meant to be thought of as similar to Soul Charms. That being said, a small cooldown reduction and an equally difficult method of obtaining aquamarine gems might be a good idea.


G12 Items

It’s not a bad idea, but I think we would make it give perfect stats according to the jewelry definition of perfect stats (PSA/PA, MSA/MA, DEF/MDEF), rather than all 4 stats.


Stat Games

I actually like/agree with this idea.


Supreme Gems

It’s been brought up in the past; we’re considering making Season Servers have the limitation while Tri Server would not. This would ONLY be for grade 11 equipment, so the limits would still be there for g12.


Soccer Event

Not sure how I feel about 5 free +8 weapons and 5 free supreme bt/rh being given out at each event.


Civil War

There are a few changes we want to make to the Civil War (including the rewards). A combination of your idea and the health reduction idea that was placed on the old FL system might be nice.



Not really something we are looking to change. The auto pickup idea is interesting, but implementing a feature like this in any way provides support to botting. Not really something we are keen on doing.


Trans Gems

The Hau monsters give 1 trans gem per 5 monsters killed, not just 1 trans gem. I do like the idea of giving 160+ island yeti chests trans gems.


Delphiroth Gems

We might consider adding these to a boss drop table somewhere, but they aren’t meant to be easily bought/obtained.

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On 26/4/2018 at 11:11 PM, shockdot said:

G12 Items

It’s not a bad idea, but I think we would make it give perfect stats according to the jewelry definition of perfect stats (PSA/PA, MSA/MA, DEF/MDEF), rather than all 4 stats.

I think we agree:

On 25/4/2018 at 5:16 PM, Welph said:

Of cause the stats on the item would just be 2 statted perfect (Def/DAM, PSA/PA, MSA/MA) and not 3 or 4 statted perfect (PSA/PA/CHR/ASR, Def/DAM/CHR) which would be really overpowered.


It would aswell make sense to make the quantity of the traded trash items equal to the amount of materials the items costed to make.. Like:

10x trash vambraces = 1 vambrace
8x trash helms = 1 helm
8x trash boots = 1 boot
7x trash armors = 1 armor
6x trash shields = 1 shield
5x trash weapons = 1 weapon

On 26/4/2018 at 11:11 PM, shockdot said:

Soccer Event

Not sure how I feel about 5 free +8 weapons and 5 free supreme bt/rh being given out at each event.

I see your point about the 5 free bt/rh at every event. An alternative could be to give the chests succesrates, so there will be like 50% chance to get a supreme gem from the chests. 

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15 hours ago, Welph said:

I see your point about the 5 free bt/rh at every event. An alternative could be to give the chests succesrates, so there will be like 50% chance to get a supreme gem from the chests. 

Or 100 shards to each player... This could encourage tribe play to make 500 shard in 1 event

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I like all of these ideas. Also kupas suggestion about the shards I like more than 50% chance because you know, when you get unlucky it sucks dick. I'd enjoy a guaranteed reward more even if it's slightly lower.

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