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Frozenland not War and civil.

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so with the current situation people play seasonal cause fl is dead content on tri server so they come to season to get that 1st 300. 


problem is lately frozenland war isn't a war at all hasn't been for weeks. it's more like 2 to 3 people afk kill 1 boss and wait for the 2 hour timer to run out.

The ironic thing is fl is this empty but once hau spawns ur in a 15 man party instantly now the question is why's that? are they not online then somehow always log in for hau? unlikely so something needs to change to give fl a reason to be won and played maybe change hau from a PvP thing to a whatever nation wins FL gets HAU no idea.


Now civil mmm civil we all love civil buffs at the start of season cause the buffs are good till you kind of get 300 and mutate that pet then the drop buffs all you want. but this season control owned it the entire season thus far with maybe 2 to 3 attempts of it being taken.

I personally thing defending civil has a crazy advantage cause not only can u enter through the middle room but also the alters and can teleport away from the fight by clicking on the door anytime you want. but if your attacking you can only go in 1 way and leave that same way putting you at a huge disadvantage also everyone agrees for a active civil war tc potions yuba potions tc buffs it all adds up and your burning alot causing 1 team to stop cause they can' afford it. my suggestion is make it so defenders can only come in through the Lord room and add a delay on when they can tp back out through that door. also ADD THE BUFF UPDATE where the buffer has to be in the same area for them to stay active.


Edited by ivmich300

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1. You can take down multiple altars.

2. You can leave Monarch room through ANY altar. Enter only through the ones you've taken.

3. Defenders can exit only through ENTRY points of altars. 

Defenders are prone to 4 Different attackers, not just 1. 

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1 hour ago, keke8929 said:

1. You can take down multiple altars.

2. You can leave Monarch room through ANY altar. Enter only through the ones you've taken.

3. Defenders can exit only through ENTRY points of altars. 

Defenders are prone to 4 Different attackers, not just 1. 


you act like other tribes are gonna try and fight civil xD if that was the case I'm sure by now it would of happened

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