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TB more greatly. my suggest.

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I'm not good at english sorry xD .


1. make instance scroll

now RM can use yellow scroll buff.
but who grow Yellow mage?
they just on naked and stand cristal
just buff char.
it means need yellow mage's buff.
so i suggest just instance scroll buff 
( move speed , attack speed scroll )
just lvl 5~ (MS 10%) (AS 5%) (AP 5%)
for Yuba ( leni for) (TC exist buff now but AS scroll add is good )
and Yellow points nurf and scroll profit more add. (now 1250 yellow too hard)
if decrease yellow 1250->750
and up to MS 20 , AS 10 , AP 10 -> 40 20 20
and if RM disapear on map ( RM dead or teleporting .. etc) buff will be delete.
RM more free at yellow points RM get more choice.
RM user will be more exist.
then, we dont need buff char anymore.
also some white mage like that.
so, BM needs some choice white or black.

2. change the value

nowdays hot issue is 3

1) 800 def++ 
now phsical char almost dead.
cant kill cuz too high def.
must need archer..
if no buff 300 400 lol..~
if on buff 0.1s dead.
the gap is too high..
no choice in arhcer G11 +10 or G3 solid 
and it also on RM too

2) mage's battles

BT is OP flat mdf change 0 and 15%? 20% decrease mdf %
that is why player argument Mage battles, mage OP vs No! mage is normal 
it really looks like archer buff.
the true is when 15mdf armor set + binah + 8 mdf jewel = almost 1K mdf
if on touch? they just on 1K~2K only. 
but otherside Too OP when baby server.
good mdf need good gear 
if bad gear mage OP, good gear mage noob
so some difficult problem mage is good or bad.

3) G12 rape, gangbang game

well many guys tolds G11 was good.
G12 made game gone.
i think this issue point at def problem (mdf also)  G12 get too high def or too high mdf
so cant solo kill, and it makes BT and archer debuff OP.

4) weapon no profit waste mats.

yes agree, normally gear lvl up, usually the power up is normal.
now 16121212 = almost +9weap, 
18141513 = almost +10 weap

10/10 = +8 G11 armors,
14/14 = +9 G11 armos,
but why weap makes hard but low profit?
need lots of mats, TC (delph) , SSP
but low gain.. 
yes 14/14 is more ez than +9 armors
yes 9 weap more hard than 16121212

G10 9999 is better G11 +7 ? 
well, idk.. just if Grade higher must strong
G10 < G 11 < G12 it is normal

so, I suggest 2nd.

nurf +9's flat def.
nurf all class's def nurf hard ( 800% -> 400% ) (nurf also mdf)
mdf problem is some difficult ( too strong at low lvls, too weak at high lvls)
nurf AP 50% (10K->5K)

If 10K for 900(-) 800 (%)
maybe 1100 normal, crit maybe 2K
But 5K for 900(-) 400 (%)
maybe 2100 crit maybe 4~5K
also Finish maybe X2
maybe will be better.

weapon's bonus increase
now 16->17 maybe 150AP
16->17 hard but only 150AP
too waste mats. waste farm time
make more getting bonus
ex) 16->17psa 250~300AP

and some mage problems..

I think jewel's mdf ( 6->3 ) decrease
and also nurf Magic AP 50% 
now 8mdf jewel can get 6each x 8mdf x 6mdf so 48x 6 => 288 gain.
15mdf+8jewel = 850 mdf usually.
it will be 570 (BT maybe 450~500)
5K for 2500 (low but mage have combo)

so, if 5jewel, 8 set (maybe 400)
3K(+8 weap)  for  1.8K ( 200lvl usually 10K HP)

so nurf low lvl's damage but up to high lvl's damage. so it will be better.

Suggest 3rd.

3. 3rd skill (160+ skill) comfortable.

transformation add 1K HP and can use trans skill.

well, it is not fair, mage's 1K HP and other's 1K HP is not same. and boring.

so i suggest, more kind of profit. bonus.

fist transformation
add crit 10% up
MS 20% up

HP 1K -> 2~3K
block rate 10% up

crit 10% up
AS 10% up
ASR 10% up

AP 10% up
dodge 10% up

if then, each char's image more clearly
and some fresh.

and transformation just transformation (just change body )
160+ skill must need use when cant transformation.

you know fist?
if fist not transformation, very junk trash garbage. cant do anything..
no warpspeed , no aura = very weak. (blade use zombie orc)

blade tankless when no ultra endure ..

mage will be comfortable to use mana revers/saver

if then,

Fist will have good legs for Hit & Run. and assasinate.

Blade will more tanky 

mage will more comfortable

arhcer maybe same xD..

i think mage's 1K Hp is good so, just add dodge or AP5% up is better i think

so, 160 skill is just 160 skill , transformation is transformation.
transformation will be more important (good bonus)

how about your oppinion? guys !

Edited by linlin09

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