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Tribe Housing

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This is probably a more complex suggestion which most likely won't become a thing even with a lot of community support, but if there's a possibility it could be made, then it's something I personally would love to see as it promotes interaction between your tribe mates. Similar to how a lot of other games have guild houses and such, I think it would be really cool to have a tribe house in turfbattles, and it doesn't really need to be only a visual thing, working as a group to create and upgrade it using leni, raw materials, refined materials and the production skills this could definitely become a piece of content that players would work on together for a long time.


  • Suggestion
    • Tribe housing, A tribe should be able to purcahse a "plot" of land which would be accessed by only the tribe that you belong to, (this would of course have to be an instance rather then a physical location in the game that everyone can access). To get to the tribe house one would require to use a crystal to teleport to it after the plot has been purchased by the tribe master, while being on the plot, the tribe master and co-leaders should be able to modify and adjust certain things to customize the tribe housing, and with enough leni, materials and production skill levels you should be able to upgrade parts of the tribe house aswell, possibly to include things such as a defender crystal room which gives you access to all defender crystals, a tribe home nurse to be able to use your long return scrolls to that location, a small pvp area similar to soccer field, warehouse npcs etc. It would definitely make tribes have more of a hub of their own and could definitely be a lot of fun to work on with your friends and unlock the rewards/upgrades that comes with it.
Edited by Happie

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this is something I'd actually really like.


one of my favorite things on osrs is POH (player owned house)


the customization factor and having something to do and hangout and brand new would be great. this is the kind of thing that I would love to see as a new content update for a season. just the idea alone opens a wide variety of ideas you could implement and add as long as it doesnt turn into another way to charge Tc this would be great

some ideas you could add would be as said

the defender Crystal's 

zip merchant


a east lad npc

a tribe achievement gallery (some kind of tribe accomplishment statue thing)

could even add a new skill specifically for housing.

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