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FL War incentives

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Right now a lot of zones in the game aren't used or barely visited at all. Great portions of the map are completely unused, and that by itself is a shame.

I understand that every zone or spot has its own purposes, but the rewards for doing stuff in a lot of zones are too little for the time you have to spend in that area/zone.

A great example right now is FL war. A spot that used to be packed when players didn't get put into a random nation, geting f*cked by the system cause they got grouped up with tribes who have no players active in your timezone. The only players who go to FL war now are people who just want it to end so they can continue to farm Rue/GC/Cata Island. So it's a bunch of alt characters put on the guard or king/queen to dps and end the war faster, or lvl 350s who have the same idea and just run around the place killing people who are actually trying to get FL to lvl up.

I know the vision of FL war is to fight with your nation over control of the FL zone, and for winning you get rewarded with instance runs to get experience and the chance on charms and eonics from the chests. But there are almost NO leveling parties whatsoever due to players who were lvling together not getting grouped up in the same nation. Most of the time it's just fists who afk farm FL instances on their own to get charm drops, they don't advertize parties, they don't let players know they'll be running it cause it'll decrease their chances on a drop.

My first suggestion is to delete the random nation balancing. But make it tribe related, the tribe leader signs their tribe up for a nation and everyone 200+ that chose to register for nation content will be given the same nation as the tribe leader. That way you discuss it with allied tribes which nation to join, and players who are lvling together can do the same if they're from different tribes. And make it reset once a month. In the current gamestate on Tri server the playingfield is divided into 2 camps anyways. You have the players from Take_Over and their alt or allied tribes and the players from La_Campanella and their alliances. This would set up for some great wars in general.

Which brings me to my 2nd suggestion. Give players an incentive to actually GO to FL war and not wait it out to see if the 350s grab it and you got lucky with the nation balance and are assigned the same nation. Make the guards/king/queen drop a chest. Every member from the party who killed one of the guards or king/queen will be given a chest that can contain g12 mats/trans gems as normal drops up to g1-g2-g3 eonics and g1-g2-g3 charms as rare and super rare drops. People won't feel obliged to take FL just to continue with their other activities. It gives them a reason to participate in the war and defend their own guards while others are dpsing the enemies guards.

Cause right now you're getting slapped in the face more by the actual randomising mechanic than by the players who are in FL or Hau.

Edited by Solstice

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here is also a good thing.

to have a good fight in the game you need a lot off players in the server and since the tri server a super low population a good FL war or FL partys are gone for good.

if there all only play on the seasons server each time and almost nobody is playing on the tri server then you get this type off problems only.

if there remove the seasons server and give some good events on the main tri server only then who knows the population become's big on the tri server.

and who knows the level up partys get a little more life back.

so long there is a season server and there give good event's only on the season server then the population on the main server stay's crap and super low.

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Before season servers started, Tri server had similar if not less population than it does now. Don't think stopping seasons would improve much in the long run.

There is not much you can do to bring more people to Tri server anymore, unless it had constant updates, and an influx of people.

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so far i know only the season server has event's and the main Tri server has 0 event's.

if there switch the events to Tri server and also adding new events like Boss invasion's that there can drop some rare stuff and are hard to kill for solo player like strong health regeneration and some other fun events.


i know game's also lot mmorpg's that run events for 3 month's long and the player base is good there since there is allways a new event when the other event has end.

and pvp tournament's then you can do solo type dou type or tribe vs tribe.

then i bet most players are gone play the Tri server more since its more fun with the event's in the game then without.

and i bet if the rarest drop you can get from the boss invasion's is the gold Liquid and Demonic Essence you get the Tri server good full since there is a small chance to get then by killing the invasion's boss in the event.

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