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The questing totem

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I've been taking a lot of feedback about newbie content and it seems there's not really any complaints about the actual quest line or the conditions or rewards.


However, I am seeing many complaints about it being hard to follow, the distances are hard to understand, coordinates are hard to match etc....


So I had an idea for a new instance/quest line/farm.


I think we should start the players with a level 0 questing totem. This will teleport the player to the next step up until level 40 (teleport scroll condition).


After level 40 there should be an instance or perhaps a quest series to follow, or the non to scroll ghost witches drop an item, or maybe the karebears drop questiroth gems to upgrade the totem... anyways, level 1-40 your totem would stay level 0. Then you could farm something for quest totem charges and it will teleport you to the next step of a quest you choose (similar to a sephiroth choice gem).


Idk, kinda eliminates the need for quest markers... im sure we would love to see them, but for now a quality of life update for low levels seems to be a popular underlying thought. We have the content, rewards, and conditions. It just needs to be slightly less work than the grind, quests don't last forever. 

Edited by IKuPAI

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The map has a small looking glass icon which functions as a search option. You write the name of the NPC needed and it shows on the map as a blinking red dot. Your idea of a questing totem while good, just makes things more convoluted than they need to be.

There could be an item that stores a portion of the XP you gain through killing mobs when fully charged you can consume to gain a full level up to a certain level ( 100/120 ) so new players don't have to grind that much while waiting for the next quest notification to pop ( not everyone will start a mage ).

Edited by Dirge07

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