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New Client New Beginning

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Hello, i do not post much but some may remember me as BigBiz or Un7. I have played this game a long long time to say the least.. 

I have noticed the devs are working on a new client kudos to that. I have asked around in game about the new client coming with a new server set and the general consensus seems to be no?

I feel that with a steam release it would be a bad idea to throw new players into the game with a bunch of players with 1000's of hours worth of farming and leveling advantages. Although many of the current players are helpful, it will be too frustrating for players to learn the mechanics fully while being dominated in the game. I play this game a good bit and even i know that i am in no shape to fight most of the players around my level without months of non stop grinding. I just hope that with the hard work and dedication you are putting in to attract new players you at least give them a fighting chance in the beginning to compete with the seasoned players.

PS Please unrestrict items and levels and go back to stat based equipment.. whats the point of G10- if you will never even get a bracket to use it in??(esp rampao weapons)

PSS Please change islands  back to dedicated brackets... But to make it fair add increased odds for SC gems as you progress up the levels in island tiers.



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