Turf Battles Mystic Server Official Launch and Patch Notes

The Turf Battles Mystic server has been officially launched! We've tried to make Turf Battles Mystic Server a game you want to play and keep returning to.

We thank all the testers who helped us on this journey and provided feedback. This server is now in its official release stage. We will always be listening to your feedback, please let us know on discord ( https://discord.gg/wrRquBM ) or on the forums (https://www.eonicgames.com/forum)

Note that the Reaper, the Fubb event, Ladianes Civil War and Soccer event have been disabled for the first 7 days.

Without further ado, please see all the previous patch notes from stages before this post:


2020-02-08 Patch Notes:

Bug Fixes:

  • You can now take an island and successfully kill monsters outside of the islands.
  • The Buchis meat quest that gave a 2000 HP buff has been fully removed.

Misc Changes:

  • Karebear Island has had its drop rate lowered, Junior gems are now not on the drop table.
  • Ghosts and Zombies level 50-70 have had their EXP lowered.
  • Instance Loot Boxes have had their drop rates changed.
  • Suffering Soul Cave quests have been fixed to give the correct amount of EXP.


2020-02-07 Patch Notes:


  • Subscription Tokens for 1, 3, 6 and 12 Months added.
  • Level 1-30, 30-50 and 50-70 Monsters have been added to Veros. You can use the Teleporter to other villages crystal to teleport to "Veros Levelling Area"
  • Orcs have had their pet egg drop rate lowered.
  • The cost to buy master skills has been lowered.
  • Islands are now bracketed (40-90, 90-120, 120-160, 160-200 and 200-300) The Look of the Island will change every 3 days, as will the type of gems you have access to. You will receive a higher quantity of gems based on your level.
  • Island Brackets 1-2 drop quantities of 1 Gem. Brackets 3-4 drop quantities of 1-2 Gems. Bracket 5 drops quantities of 2 Gems when you receive a drop, guaranteed.
  • Pet restat scrolls can no longer be dropped.
  • Low level quests have received an EXP boost

Previous Test Patch Notes:

Test Announcement Patch Notes:

Test Patch Notes #1
Test Patch Notes #2
Test Patch Notes #3
Test Patch Notes #4