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Suggestion Ideas by Virus & RuVe

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1) I feel that you should be able to gain TC through doing in-game task,this would be a solution to people who want to work hard and try and not spend money or don't have money. For example, having a  NPC that recycles equipment in exchange for tc or leni would be pretty awesome, it will help people get rid of things they don't want anymore. You could also have another opportunity to earn TC by giving us the option at the crystal event to either get tc or transfer to the island to kill the boxes. Lastly you can have a boss that once you kill it you are rewarded with some TC. *Please keep that this is just an idea you can branch off it and expand it further* 

~PK War~

2) Create a non-requirement crystal that allows all players to join the war. People who join, will be on either blue or red team. There is no option to change side and it doesn't allow you to team up with your tribe so that it gives new users the ability to get good teammates and also the chance to win or lose and still earn points to access the shop that has rewards. The minimum is 1 player in red and 1 player in the blue team to start. The more players that join the more reward points you get. 1 and 1 player will be very little points to prevent people from swapping and trying to cheat the system to get points. 

 ~New Character Styles~

3) I would like some new character styles, especially hairstyles and colors, there are no specific request I have but I think you should make this a priority so that people can have fun when creating a character. I also wish there were different body types, like fat,skinny etc just an idea again.


4) Since you brought back a game from what 9-10 years ago, Can you at least remaster the game and upscale the graphics. How exactly are you going to attract new players if the graphics look ancient? My thought process when hearing about the fund raiser for this turfbattles was that, you guys would bump the visual quality of the game and there would be new character models and NPC etc. again this is just an idea but if companies can remaster games such as Call Of Duty and upscale the graphics, so can you. 


5) I was reading through comments throughout the forum and now I actually am wondering about what direction are you taking to attract new players? I think before you globally advertise to the world and on other websites. I think you should work on the visual quality of the game. Because for new players who may come from a game that is probably 1080p resolution to a 480p resolution game thats a major downer. 


Edited by Brooklyn1

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