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There is a plague running rampant in this community that the online gaming world likes to call "the vocal minority"

Meaning; people who are upset or rude/obnoxious are the one's who talk the most.


What we also have in our community is "the silent MAJORITY!"

Meaning; players who are content with how things are going don't have any reason to say something... So they don't. Likely in fear of being trolled.




This game is subject to change based on player feedback. If the vocal minority (easily classified as trolls) are the only ones voicing their opinions then guess what... We're all going to get trolled.



WE NEED so many more players on these forums. Even just existing players. I've seen over 400 people playing this game. We have 5 people who give community relative feedback. The community needs feedback from the community. Not just the vocal minority.


If we need incentive to come to the forums every day I can create incentive. But we need to do something... Or this game will become a personal sandbox for the vocal minority until the silent majority gives up.




Edited by IKuPAI

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